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BEACN Mix Create - Powerful audio control for content creators
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Controlling audio, especially during live streams, gaming or video calls can be difficult and distracting. BEACN Mix Create allows you to easily and directly control audio sources on the fly.

Games, music, system sounds, video calls, browsers, headsets, audio interfaces and microphones can be easily added to BEACN Mix Create knobs. Set up custom submixes, route audio to and from your headphones, chat mic output and broadcast stream, define custom mute modes, save profiles and more with our free BEACN App.

Comprehensive Windows/macOS audio mixer allows you to directly control volume levels of any audio sources: applications, connected microphones, headsets, and audio interfaces
Smooth push-button encoders allow precise volume control and quick muting
Full color 5” screen with customizable elements shows which apps or hardware you are controlling at a glance
Submixes let you and your audience hear different levels or audio sources. Quickly check your stream mix with a dedicated submix button
Easy audio routing table gives you complete control of where your audio goes, headphones, chat applications or live stream
Store and recall complete profiles to easily switch between streaming, gaming, podcasting, working or just hanging out
Quickly swap between two Personal Listening Device outputs like speakers and headphones
2M USB C to A cable included
Compatible with Windows 10-64 bit or later, macOS 12 Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura and macOS 14 Sonoma.
ID: 654803583

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Marcos Santos

No OLX desde maio de 2016

Esteve online dia 16 de maio de 2024

Publicado 01 de maio de 2024

BEACN Mix Create - Powerful audio control for content creators

235 €



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