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Bill Callahan - Letters to Emma Bowlcut
Bill Callahan - Letters to Emma Bowlcut
Bill Callahan - Letters to Emma Bowlcut
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  • Tipo: Novelas

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An unnamed man studies the Vortex and his surroundings. He begins writing letters to a strange woman he is attracted to at a party. In this epistolary novelette set sometime in the future, he tells her of his daily life and a relationship between them unfolds. The letters form the seduction, in sifting the loose, disparate details of his day-to-day, the desires, the frustrations, the joys. The self as depicted through emotional weather updates, social observations, anecdotes, advice and well-timed punchlines.

Novela, Inglês/English, softback
Drag City, 2010

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ID: 651151620

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Publicado 13 de abril de 2024

Bill Callahan - Letters to Emma Bowlcut

15 €



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