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Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris
Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris
Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris
Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris
Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris
Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris
Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris
Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris
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22 eur

Tenho também à venda o 2º volume (Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1936 to 1945 - Nemesis) que coloquei num anúncio à parte para poder mostrá-lo adequadamente, mas NÃO VENDO os volumes em separado.

O preço total para ambos fica em 22 + 22 + 5 de portes (1730 + 1830 gramas)


Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris - Allen Lane, London, 1998, 2ª reimpressão da 1ª edição, 845 páginas.

Livro em muito bom estado, apenas com um ínfimo senão: a sobrecapa/dust-jacket está ligeiramente amarrotada em dois sítios, nos extremos da capa e da contracapa, em cima, como pode ver nas fotos 1 e 3.

De resto, miolo perfeito, páginas perfeitas. Sem assinatura de posse, notas ou sublinhados.

Com 58 Ilustrações, todas a p/b.


Review da Foreign Affairs

The Hitler deluge continues. A British historian, Kershaw has produced the first huge volume of a two-volume biography of Hitler.

In a brilliant introduction, he dismisses the issue of Hitler's "greatness" and explains that his focus is on Hitler's power -- how he acquired it, how he exercised it, and why political resistance was so tame.

Kershaw neglects the "private" Hitler and investigates instead the political and social context of the Nazi era, arguing that Hitler's main beliefs, especially his anti-Semitism, were crystallized during his years as a vagrant in Vienna and revived during World War I.

In his eyes, Hitler's ascension to power was not inevitable. Rather, it resulted from the miscalculations of other politicians, Germany's flimsy democratic base, and the strands of a political culture that was peculiarly German.

Hitler's egomania, fed by his successes after 1933, made hubris inevitable by 1936.

Soon thereafter "nemesis" took over -- the subject of Kershaw's forthcoming second volume.

This is the kind of work that one is tempted to call definitive.
ID: 654064703

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Publicado 27 de abril de 2024

Ian Kershaw – Hitler: 1889 to 1936 - Hubris

22 €



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