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Introduction to the theory of statistics, de Mood & Graybill
Introduction to the theory of statistics, de Mood & Graybill
Introduction to the theory of statistics, de Mood & Graybill
Introduction to the theory of statistics, de Mood & Graybill
Introduction to the theory of statistics, de Mood & Graybill
Introduction to the theory of statistics, de Mood & Graybill
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  • Tipo: Matemática


Introduction to the theory of statistics, de Mood & Graybill

McGraw-hill book company, inc.

Second edition, 1963

Em excelente estado, sem qualquer anotação

+ 1,90€ de portes
ID: 648587066

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Publicado 04 de maio de 2024

Introduction to the theory of statistics, de Mood & Graybill

43 €



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