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Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular
Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular
Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular
Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular
Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular
Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular
Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular
Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular
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Lote de 44 livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular

1 The Tsetse Fly - T.A.I.A. Nash. 1969. This 224 page volume covers the historical account of Tsetse Flies and Trypanosomiasis, its Life Cycle, Distribution, Sources of Food, Breeding Sites, Ecology and Biological Control as well as Sleeping Sickness in Man and its Control. Bibliography and Index.
2 Missão de combate às Tripanossomíases - Relatório annual de 1971 . Portugal Província de Angola - Serviços de Saúde e Assistência.
3 The armed Rhinoceros by Nick Carter
4 Okapi Fever. Philippe Diolé
5 For better, for worse
6 Congo. Michael Crichton
7 Au péril des grands fauves. 1967. François Edmond-Blanc. Lucen Blancou Marcel Bonnotte. Pierre Bourgoin. Tony Burnand. Dr. Raymond Fiasson. Albert Jeannin. Alain Maclatchy. Omer Sarraut. Dr. Sauvel. Dr. A. Vielle. Pierre Weite- .- S.L. Le Bélier-Prisma, 1967; rústica editorial rozada, 374 pp.
8 Reflexões de um observador da natureza. Hubert Reeves. Colecção: Ciência Aberta nº 43
Autor: Hubert Reeves. Editora: Gradiva. 1ª edição 1990. Peso: 310 g. Tradução de Jorge Branco. lustrado.
9 Expérience-SurvieTerrestre. André thibault. Collection, la marche du monde. Edité par Editions de la pensée moderne Octobre 1956
10 Brazilian Adventure. Peter Fleming .1933. 1ª edição. Sem sobrecapa.
11 The tribe that hides from man. Adrian Cowell. Bodley Head. Verificar a edição e estado.
12 Quest for Adventure. Chris Binington
13 Aventuras de uma família de Leões. Pienaar. Os Livros da Natureza
14 O desporto das grandes emoções. José delmont. Tradução de Campos Monteiro Filho.
15 Sobre o Saará ardene. William seabrook. Livraria Tavares. Por terras de maravilha nº4
16 Le cimetière des éléphants. H. de Monfreid. Crasset. Ver versão e estado.
17 O Leão. Joseph Kessel. Ver versão
18 As Aves cantam porquê? Jacques Delamain. A Migração da Primavera; Amizades. Ódios; As núpcias; A Ronda dos Chapins; O rio; Intermédio; A Migração de Outono; Ternos Rapaces.
19 Congo Journey. Redmond O'Hanion. Ver versão e estado
20 The Islander. Gerald Kingsland
21 The RA Expeditions
22 The Sheltering Desert. Martin. Threatened with Internment for the duration of World War II, two young German geologists, Henno Martin and Hermann Korn, sought refuge in the Namib Desert and lived a Robinson Crusoe existence for two and a half years. How they mastered their situation, what they did, thought and observed are the subject of The Sheltering Desert. In it lies the vastness of the landscape, the clear skies, nature's silence in the joy or suffering of her creatures, and the stillness in which the reader, too, may take refuge from the wrongs of civilization. 328 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 1957
23 James Ramsey Ullman
24 My African Journey. Winston S. Churchill
25 Kon-Tiki. Thor Heyerdahl.
26 Horn of the Hunter. Robert Ruark. The Story of an African Safari. 1964. Illu
27 From the ocean to the sky
28 Oferta
29 The Sindbad Voyage-Tim Severin. Hutchinson
30 101 Best adventure stories. David Irish
31 Great Spy Stories - John Le Carré, …
32 Adventure Stories. H. Rider Haggard, Jules Verne, Dennis Wheatley, Edmund Hillary. Edição. St Michael. 1980.
33 A Aventura da Vida - 5x volumes. Félix Rodriguez de la fuente
34 The Seashore. Robert Burton.
35 Animaux d'Afrique. Pierre Lettelier.
36 African Game trails. : An account of the African wanderings of an American hunter-naturalist. By Theodore Roosevelt. St. Martin's press. An epic story of big game hunting and specimen collecting in East Africa. The expedition was mounted jointly by Theodore Roosevelt on the expiry of his term as president, and the Smithsonian Museum.
37 Use enough gun. Ruark. Ed. Safari press. This is more than the record of a lifetime’s bag: It is the story of a man’s education as a hunter. The lessons that Ruark learned from his grandfather still applied when he shot his first lion on safari in Africa, more than twenty years later. Then there were new lessons to be learned from Harry Selby, the Kenyan professional who became Ruark’s close friend. Ruark hunted in India and Alaska, in Mozambique and Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika. No matter where he traveled, in the end the thing that mattered most to him was the nature of the hunt itself; the relationship of the hunter to the animal he killed; and the investment of skill and bravery in a grand endeavor.
38 Safari - The Last Adventure. Peter Hathaway Capstick. 1984. 1ª edição. Adventurer & Explorer Biographies; General Africa Travel Books; Sports Hunting.
39 Diana : Revista de Caça, Hipismo e Pesca / Ano I Nº 1 a 12 Agosto de 1979 a Julho 1980. 12 revistas Diana. Encadernação em capa rigida-Verde. Muito bom estado.
40 The Harmless People. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas. Alfred A Knopf. First edition, 1st printing, 1959. Classic work in field studies of South-West Africa and the Bushmen in the deserts of Botswana. In the 1950s Elizabeth Marshall Thomas became one of the first Westerners to live with the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert in Botswana and South-West Africa.
41 A cure for serpent. Albert Denti di Pirgino. The autobiography of the Duke of Pirajno.
42 Dark Star Safari. Paul Theroux. Houghton Mifflin
43 Adventure on land and under the sea. Otis barton. Longmans. 1954. dim 22x14cm
44 101 Best adventure stories. Edited by David Irish. Ward Lock
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Livros Caça, Africa, Aventura, etnografia. Biblioteca particular

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