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Livros Ultra / Casual / Hooligan
Livros Ultra / Casual / Hooligan
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Livros em Inglês:

Hard cover ( capa dura)
Envio 3.60 euros

Rolling with the 6.57 Crew: The True Story of Pompey's Legendary Football Fans 7

Congratulations, You Have Just Met the Casuals - Aberdeen  7

Service Crew: The Inside Story of Leeds United's Hooligan Gangs 7

Flying with the Owls Crime Squad 7

All Quiet on the Hooligan Front: Eight Years That Shook Football  6

Paperback ( capa mole)
Envio 1.80 euros

Who wants it - CHELSEA  6

Kicking Off: Why Hooliganism and Racism are Killing Football 6

The Damned Utd  5

Capital Punishment - London' s violent football following 5

Soul Crew -The Inside Story of a Soccer Hooligan Gang - CARDIFF 5

Suicide Squad: The Inside Story of a Football Firm - BURNLEY 5

Frontline - Battling for the Boro - Middlesbrough Football 5

Pagamento por Transferência Bancária ou mbway
ID: 651939077

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Antonio Morais

No OLX desde dezembro de 2023

Esteve online dia 22 de abril de 2024

Publicado 24 de abril de 2024

Livros Ultra / Casual / Hooligan

5 €



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