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Power Trip - Nightmare Logic LP
Power Trip - Nightmare Logic LP
Power Trip - Nightmare Logic LP
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Novo no plástico original LP
Vinyl, Vinil, Vinilo, Vinyle

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Nightmare Logic has taken Power Trip’s classic Exodus-meets-Cro-Mags sound to new places. With hooks and tightness rivaling greats like Pantera or Pentagram and production by the esteemed Arthur Rizk, Nightmare Logic punishes fans not only sonically but with pure songwriting skill. The sophomore release and second on Southern Lord Records, raises the bar and pushes Power Trip to new extremes. Since 2013’s Manifest Decimation, the band admits they’ve not only gotten better at their instruments, but have also reinvented their songwriting process into a more nuanced and clever system. The shift shows on this record and does so without losing any of the aggression so essential to the band.
ID: 653499178

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Bruno Filipe

No OLX desde dezembro de 2016

Esteve online ontem às 22:00

Publicado 02 de maio de 2024

Power Trip - Nightmare Logic LP

21 €



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