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Unsung heroes of american industry_Mark Poirier_Bloomsbury
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Título: Unsung heroes of american industry
Autor: Mark Poirier
Editor: Bloomsbury
Idioma: Inglês
Estado: Como Novo
Encad.: Brochado
Área: Prosa
Preço: 7.00 €
Código: LT005586

… Worm farms, pearl-button making, chicken processing, pornography, and beauty pageantry. These quirky cottage industries hold the potential to make fortunes, though it's more likely that they'll lead to bankruptcy and shattered dreams. Mark Poirier introduces the misfits and visionaries who embody the aspirations - and frequently the lunacy - of the American entrepreneur. Following his highly acclaimed debut collection, Naked Pueblo, and first novel, Goats, Poirier returns to life on the edge in tales that race across the American landscape, finding individualists and their outrageous professions in every region of the United States, from Washington, D.C., to Southern California, New England to Louisiana.

Unsung heroes of american industry_Mark Poirier_Bloomsbury
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Como Novo – Exemplar perfeito.
ID: 619633714

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Publicado 13 de maio de 2024

Unsung heroes of american industry_Mark Poirier_Bloomsbury

7 €

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